At this morning’s year level meeting, Mrs Mel McGown announced the Year 7 recipients of Semester 1 academic achievement awards; congratulations to the following students and their families:
Academic Excellence (pictured above from top left):
- Zoe Allan
- Isaac Brougham
- Rylee Chatfield
- Lani Cocks
- Marley Coleman
- Alilah Fowler
- Stella Franklin
- Simon Hennessy
- Kynan Letton
- Isla Nagel
- Loch Osborne
- Ella Scholz
- Sarang Treagus
Meritorious Effort (pictured above from top left):
- Isabella Atkins
- Samuel Beard
- Taya Clarke
- Isaak Cowley
- Phoebe Fisher
- Evie Gamlin
- Lucas Gray
- Jye Hearfield
- Zach Hurrell
- Chloe Marks
- Cooper Mullins
- Nate Payze
- Ethan Skipworth-Howell
- Malik Slater
- Oliver Stevens
- Taun Tsesmelis
- Cyrus Whetstone