“Yarning Circle” Design Competition 

PLHS students are invited to design a Yarning Circle for an outdoor area (location to be confirmed – but possibly on lawn area near Canteen).

A yarning circle is a traditional Indigenous Australian cultural practice that involves sitting together in a circle and engaging in storytelling, sharing knowledge, and discussing important topics. It is an integral part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and is used as a means of communication, learning, and building community connections. 

Yarning circles have been used for various purposes, such as passing down oral traditions, teaching cultural values, resolving conflicts, making important decisions, and fostering healing and emotional well-being. They provide a safe and inclusive space where individuals can share their stories, experiences, and ideas without judgment. 

In a yarning circle, participants often pass around a “talking stick” or other symbolic object, which designates the person who has the floor to speak while others respectfully listen. The practice emphasizes active listening, respect, and a deep understanding of one another’s perspectives. 

Design Criteria: 

Suggested location: grass area in front of Canteen 

Area Size: Approx 8m x 8m (design needs to fit within this space). 

Materials to be used: Natural materials: logs; rocks etc 

Cultural Considerations: Certain colours can only be used in ceremonial/traditional practices – as a sign of respect, please avoid these colours in your design (e.g. red). 

Format: Your choice (hand drawn or computer generated); please attempt to create your design ‘to scale’; ensure your design is labelled (and includes your name). 

Submission: Yarning Circle designs are to be submitted to Mrs Woods no later than MONDAY 14th August (Week 4) either in hard copy or electronic file 

Voting: Designs will be displayed on Staff Room windows. Staff and Students will “VOTE” on their preferred design via a Teams survey by the end of Week 4. 

Design Winner: Prizes awarded to the winning recipient, who will be notified as soon as votes are collated. 

Any Questions: See Mrs. Woods or the Aboriginal Education Team: Mallee Miller; Nicole Carter; Shantelle Pickett; John Hirschausen. 

Please feel free to research ideas for “Yarning Circles in Schools”. The link below also provides extra information to support the design and implementation of Yarning Circles

Yarning circles | Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (qcaa.qld.edu.au) 

NB: The winning design will be presented to PLHS Facilities for further consideration and implementation, following building guidelines, policies and procedures.

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