Successful Science Week Celebrations at PLHS

To cap off another successful National Science Week at PLHS, students from Years 7 and 10 volunteered their time last Friday afternoon to participate in a beach clean-up in the Lincoln National Park.

Despite the testing conditions, students were keen to get their hands dirty and make a positive change to part of their local community. After patrolling a 2km stretch of beach, the group collected three sacks full of rubbish, made up mostly of ropes and other commercial fishing equipment – a notable find was a discarded tyre.

During the week, students participated eagerly in a range of engaging practical activities held each lunchtime in the science labs on the Stamford Lab. These included the virtual reality headsets, colouring-in competitions, making sherbet, and a number of fun experiments. Can you make popcorn dance? Yes, you can! Can you make a hard-boiled egg fit into a bottle with an opening smaller than the size of an egg? Yes, we can! With the help of Ms. Lucy Legge and Mrs. Nat van Riet, students were able to enjoy creating experiments and exploring the wonder of science to celebrate National Science Week.  

Well done to all students involved.

~ Ms. Tiff Evans & Mr. Stewart Calder (Science Teachers)

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