It is going to warm up, so please ensure that your children are adequately prepared with a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, T-shirt etc..

Students are to arrive by the usual 8:45am school start time and may arrive dressed in their house-coloured outfit.

Parents are 100% encouraged to attend! Please see the attached program for approximate event times. Students do have flexibility as to when they compete in their field events, so please make sure you discuss their planned times so you don’t miss them.

We held a second House Meeting earlier today where students had the opportunity to finalise their events and organise their schedule for the day. Your student was given a program with a map and “My Events” list. Our House Captains have been doing a marvellous job!

May the best house win!

If you have any questions or queries, please contact myself at the school on 8683-6000.

~ Miss Yasmin Stewart (Senior Leader: HPE, Food & Nutrition, Sport & Integrated Learning)