Seth & Prapti Invited to Speak at “Bush Summit”

Throughout this month, News Corp is facilitating a series of Bush Summits across the country; these events will champion the regions and their attractions, as well as discuss the associated challenges and opportunities.

The Advertiser will host the South Australian Bush Summit here in Port Lincoln on Tuesday August 15th – on the back of their previous involvement in the Teen Parliament, PLHS Year 11 students Seth Kayser and Prapti Pai have both been invited to participate in the panel discussion. The panel will be led by media identity Andrew ‘Cosi’ Costello, who will prompt Seth and Prapti to discuss various aspects of regional living through a youth lens.

We congratulate Seth and Prapti on this wonderful honour and look forward to hearing about their experiences at the 2023 Bush Summit.

Seth Kayser & Prapti Pai

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