Senior Students Explore Potential Careers

In 2024, the South Australian Police (SAPOL) have run an inaugural work experience program for Year 10-12 students who are interested in this area as a potential career path. The program was limited to 80 students across the state, with participants attending one of the four available block weeks.

We are proud to report that two PLHS students – Katie-Anne Solly (Year 12) and Billy Scholz (Year 11) – were successful in their application. Accordingly, they recently spent a week in Adelaide attending lectures, participating in interactive problem-solving activities and visiting various SAPOL locations including the Police Academy, STAR/Dog/Mounted Operations and the Adelaide Magistrates Court.

Both students valued their experience and are looking at pursuing a career in this area in the future.

Meanwhile, earlier today, several of our Year 10 students had the opportunity to attend a ‘Come & Try’ day at TAFESA in the field of electrotechnology. The Certificate II in Electrotechnology course is one of the offerings available to our students as part of our VET program. Days like this allow our students to understand what the course involves and to gain experience in their field of interest.

~ Ms. Tiff Evans (Student Pathways)