SASI (& King Kyle) Search for Talent at PLHS

Earlier today, several representatives from the South Australian Sport Institute facilitated a SASI Talent Search inside the Port Lincoln High School Gymnasium. We were also privileged to have Port Lincoln-born Olympic swimming champion Kyle Chalmers and his fiancée, Norwegian Olympic swimmer Ingeborg Løyning, in attendance.

The SASI Talent Search program identifies athletes who have the potential to represent Australia in Olympic and Paralympic sports – this is especially timely given the fact that the 2032 games will be staged in Brisbane. The student athletes’ physical, anthropometrical and physiological characteristics were tested in order to identify whether they have the capacity to become Australia’s next sporting champion.

After completing a solid warm-up session, around 25 PLHS students (and eight from St. Joseph’s School) were divided into groups and rotated through three physical testing stations. Even Kyle had a crack at the vertical jump!

Well done to the following PLHS students for completing all facets of today’s testing program (including the dreaded beep test):

  • Cameron Sellen
  • Clifford Warrior
  • Cooper Manthorpe
  • Cruz Miller
  • Dominic Gray
  • Ella Day (female beep test winner)
  • Isaac Sampson
  • Lahaeyna Peckham
  • Levi Miller
  • Mavis Coleman
  • Max Rodda (male beep test winner)
  • Neve Thomas (female beep test runner-up)
  • Noah Connolly
  • Noah Retallick
  • Orlando Wade
  • Sophie Gray
  • Stella Franklin
  • Takey Retsas
  • Thomas Puddy
  • Tyler Caulfield
  • Will Fraser

These students will receive a report from SASI which lists the top five sports that they are physically best suited to. We look forward to reviewing the results of today’s testing – who knows, maybe an Olympic journey began today.