Room 23 Artists Produce “Magical” Book Sculptures

Room 23 students have channelled their creative skills into developing a sculpture that was initiated from this year’s Book Week theme of “Reading is Magic”.

Students began by reflecting on their favourite books and stories; most choices were instantaneous prompting the sharing of impressions and memories. Hard copies of books were borrowed from the Resource Centre and students listed the magical and vivid characters, features, scenes and details, printing visual images to help plan their sculpture’s form. Sketches and diagrams were drawn of subject matter and potential compositions. Thought then went into how recycled books could be incorporated creatively and functionally to build the sculptures.

A variety of approaches, materials and techniques were used, fostering a range of skills during the construction of each individual artwork. The students agree that having a strong connection to the chosen subject motivated them to explore creatively.

Participating students include Kenisha Bilney, Exzhia De Freitas, Hayden Francis, Phillip Hutchins, Jesse Poel, William Shannon and Isabella Z; they invite you to come and view their sculptures in the Resource Centre over the next month. They also say thank you to Cathy Crowder, Jenny Silver, Rachel Ambrose and Glenda George for supporting their unit of work.

~ Mrs. Annette Kelson (Art Teacher)