PLHS Students Invited to Take 2022 WEC Survey

Our students have been invited to take part in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) survey; it will be open in Weeks 8-10 this term (Monday March 21st ~ Friday April 8th).

The WEC collects information from students in Years 4-12 about non-academic factors relevant to learning and participation. It provides schools, the community and government an insight into what needs to occur to ensure students experience success and are provided with resources and opportunities to reach their full potential.

The survey asks young people how they think and feel about their experiences, both inside and outside of school. It includes questions related to areas of development linked to wellbeing, health and academic achievement. In 2021, over 101,000 students completed the survey from across more than 500 schools.

Please read the letter below from PLHS Principal Mr Todd George for further details about the WEC.