Port Lincoln High School

Stage 2 English Literary Studies

Further enquiries:

  • Students: Speak to your Dharna Group teacher or the relevant subject teacher
  • Families: Please contact the Senior School Assistant Principal via Direqt message
  • Phone PLHS on 8683-6000

Length: Full Year

Recommended background: Successful completion of Stage 1 English Literary Studies


English Literary Studies emphasises reading, viewing and textual analysis. This is an academic course with rigorous, challenging texts that prepares students for university requirements. There is a strong focus on the complex relationship between a text and its context, audience and author and that the interpretation of a text can be influenced by the cultural perspective brought by the reader.

A big focus on the course is the exploration of texts with ‘literary merit’ through selection of poetry, drama, film and prose texts from a prescribed SACE list. In the past, such texts have included The Secret River, King Lear and poets such as Sylvia Plath, Gwen Harwood and Oodgeroo Noonuccal.

Students will:

  • study four shared texts as a class (poetry, prose, film and a play) with two of them forming a comparative task
  • transform a text’s ideas into a different mode to form their own creative text
  • create a written, oral or multimodal text
  • choose one text independently, and pair it with a text from the shared studies choices to write an individual comparison
  • critically read, analyse and write to one or more unfamiliar texts in exam conditions


Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s Performance Standards as outlined in the Subject Outline. Grades A+ to E- will be used for reporting purposes.

School-based assessment (70%):

  • Responding to Texts (50%) – Four responses (total word count 5,000 words; one may be oral or multimodal of up to 6 minutes)
  • Creating Text Study (20%) – One transforming text linked to another text with a writer’s statement (1500 words) and one written, oral/multimodal text (1000 words or 6 minutes or multimodal equivalent)

External Assessment (30%):

  • Part A – Comparative Text Study (15%) – Critical essay on one of the shared texts and one chosen by the student (1,500 words)
  • Part B – Critical Reading (15%) – 100-minute Critical Reading examination of one or more short texts