Length: Full Year
Recommended background: Successful completion of Stage 1 English Literary Studies
English Literary Studies emphasises reading, viewing and textual analysis. This is an academic course with rigorous, challenging texts that prepares students for university requirements. There is a strong focus on the complex relationship between a text and its context, audience and author and that the interpretation of a text can be influenced by the cultural perspective brought by the reader.
A big focus on the course is the exploration of texts with ‘literary merit’ through selection of poetry, drama, film and prose texts from a prescribed SACE list. In the past, such texts have included The Secret River, King Lear and poets such as Sylvia Plath, Gwen Harwood and Oodgeroo Noonuccal.
Students will:
Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s Performance Standards as outlined in the Subject Outline. Grades A+ to E- will be used for reporting purposes.
School-based assessment (70%):
External Assessment (30%):