Port Lincoln High School

Stage 1 Workplace Practices

Further enquiries:

  • Students: Speak to your Dharna Group teacher or the relevant subject teacher
  • Families: Please contact the Senior School Assistant Principal via Direqt message
  • Phone PLHS on 8683-6000

Length: Semester or Full Year

Recommended background: None


This course is designed to help students to further explore their career pathway to assist them to attain their career goals successfully.

Students will explore the changes that have occurred in the Australian workforce over the last 30 years and investigate future trends in employment. They will explore the personal attributes and skills needed as well as investigate in greater depth employment opportunities in their potential career pathway. They will also develop a range of career planning strategies including application letters, resumes, personal statements, portfolios, interview techniques and questions.

This course is ideal for someone:

  • wanting to explore their future career pathway in more depth
  • who is doing a VET course or school-based apprenticeship
  • who has part-time or casual employment


Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s Performance Standards, as outlined by the SACE Board. Grades A to E will be used for reporting purposes.

  • Folio (40%) – three tasks including research reports, job seeking documents and techniques
  • Performance/Vocational Learning (40%) – based on either their VET course, paid employment or work experience/structured workplace learning
  • Reflection (20%) – based on the development of skills and capabilities through the course and their vocational learning experiences