Port Lincoln High School

Year 11 (Stage 1) Overview

Further enquiries:

  • Students: Speak to your Dharna Group teacher or the relevant subject teacher
  • Families: Please contact the Senior School Assistant Principal via Direqt message
  • Phone PLHS on 8683-6000

Learning Pathways


We are an intensive program that provides emotional and behavioural support for students and their families – please visit us to view our facilities and the programs that we offer.


The TLC is our off-site Flexible Learning Options (FLO) campus; located at 30 Edinburgh Street, it provides access to a range of accredited learning and SACE-based educational programs.


PLHS caters for a range of career pathways through VET courses such as Aquaculture, Automotive, Cookery, Construction, Maritime Operations and Screen & Media. Several other VET courses are also available.


We seek to provide opportunities for students to undertake alternative subjects that may not be offered on our yearly timetable through our local delivery options.