Length: Semester or Full Year
Recommended background: An ability to work collaboratively, cooperatively and creatively; with self-motivation and enthusiasm
This course focusses on the exploration and development of skills across a range of topics and tasks. Student interest and ability is considered when designing the final program. Students will synthesise their learning into creating ideas, opportunities and performances as dramatic artists. To this end, students are encouraged to take charge of their learning when assessment tasks are being designed. Students will have the opportunity to apply their skills to small group performances and activities for an audience, in a variety of forms. They will also be viewing theatre performances either live or online.
Topics and innovators that may be included in the program design:
Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s Achievement Standards as outlined in the framework of the Australian Curriculum. Grades A to E will be used for reporting purposes. Assessment tasks may include:
Secondary skills that are included in assessments: