Governing Council Community Voice – November 2021

Dear families,

Your parent, student and community representatives (Governing Council) met again recently and would like to share a few of the exciting happenings with you.

We welcomed Cate Harrison from Sanctuary On Eyre and her large, furry four-legged friend, Hope. Cate shared her life of connecting people with animals and her passion for the positive role an animal can play in a child’s life and learning.

Principal Todd George confirmed that the completion of Stages 1-3 of the school’s building major redevelopment has met timelines, and a welcoming Year 7/8 student transition program will take place in these new facilities later this term. This is testament to the great work that the school, in partnership with the Department for Education and SA’s Mossop Construction + Interiors, have achieved in tasking and completing this work.

Senior student leaders Ursula and Ned assured us that recent Year 12 “Muck-up Day” activities (student celebration for completion of high school) were held in good spirit and the school was not sold by the students for $5! After their day of fun, it’s back to completing course requirements and exams. Ursula reported that Year 12 students have valued the personally written postcards and well wishes from staff.

We thought you’d like to know that curriculum leaders and teaching staff are busily preparing for the introduction of the Year 7 curriculum requirements for 2022, and Dharna Group teachers recently telephoned students’ families to discuss learning progress, attendance and any other issues relating to achievement and well-being.

Great news! Our annual Year 12 Award Ceremony and Year 12 Formal are to go ahead, and the use of Nautilus Theatre will allow more family members to participate. Look out for the school colours illuminated around the town during this time of acknowledgement and celebration.

Please take a peek at “SPINNAKER”, our 2021 Year 12 Art/Design Exhibition in the Nautilus Arts Centre’s Rotary Gallery. The display opens to the public at 10am on Tuesday November 2nd; we’re sure patrons will appreciate the outstanding work and skill and potential of our young people.

Have you ever thought about the origins of the School’s sporting House names* – Eyre, Flinders, Grantham and Stamford? The Student Leaders have, and continue their investigations about significant names to carry the school into its second hundred years of education; more on this later. Additionally, the Port Lincoln History Group is keen to access the school’s historical archives and transfer this valuable information into digital format for future reference; a timely offer with the school’s centenary approaching in 2023.

* House Names – Stamford Hill and Grantham Island named by Matthew Flinders after towns in Lincolnshire. Edward John Eyre was the first European to travel from SA to WA on land in 1841.

The Governing Council acknowledges the tenacity of students, the understanding of families and the strength of school leaders, teachers and support staff, who is spite of the many challenges and uncertainties created by COVID times, have continued to excel and achieve as they progress the future vision for Port Lincoln High School.

Brian Gabb (on behalf of the PLHS Governing Council)