PLHS Attends Rural Youth Ambassador Forum

On Friday September 13th, seven PLHS students travelled to Wudinna to participate in a regional Rural Youth Ambassador Forum – the event saw representatives from several Eyre Peninsula schools meet to discuss problems faced by schools around our region.

Similar forums have been run across the state by this year’s Rural Youth Ambassadors, who represent the 20,000 young people in regional South Australia. Their dedication and planning came to fruition to enable the EP ambassadors to meet, share and challenge issues that they face as a rural student.

The students began by introducing themselves and interacting in pairs. The day’s first activities focused on individual ideas and thinking, in which students brainstormed good and bad points about their respective communities.

The facilitating ambassadors collated these ideas to find common themes and issues across the wider region. The students then voted on what they found to be the most important issues, and discussed possible causes for these. They discussed possible solutions, using their creativity as if there were no limitations.

The students found the day to be a fulfilling experience and enjoyed the opportunity to voice their opinions. This year’s Rural Youth Ambassadors have taken this information back to their last forum in Adelaide this week to share with the rest of the group to help inform their decision-making and discussions.

~ Taj Williams, Evan Lukin, Seth Kayser & Max Mitchelson (Participating Students)