NAIDOC Week 2023 Celebrations Commence

Welcome to NAIDOC Week 2023, a time where we can showcase and truly celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of our First Nations people. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee; the annual week provides an opportunity for all Australians to learn more about First Nations cultures and histories.

This year’s theme – “For Our Elders” – provides an opportunity to pay homage to Elders and to acknowledge that across every generation, Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role, and hold a prominent place in our communities and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones. Watch this short clip to gain further understanding of this year’s theme: For Our Elders, National NAIDOC Week 2023 | NAIDOC

Students and staff at Port Lincoln High School will be involved in a number of activities throughout the week, with many of them occurring within the local community.

Monday July 3:

  • NAIDOC March: Earlier today, senior Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, along with SRC representatives, attended the community march from the Yacht Club to the new Nature Play Space on Tasman Terrace; Certificate II in Kitchen Operations students assisted Rotary to cook and serve the community sausage sizzle; many thanks to ABC Eyre Peninsula for the photos (above and below)

Tuesday July 4:

  • Nunga Screen: For more than ten years, Nunga Screen has shared and celebrated First Nations culture, stories and language through film; it provides an opportunity for emerging and established First Nations filmmakers to showcase their creations across SA; our Year 9 PLACE class will be attending the 12pm session
  • Headspace Gum Leaf Art: Following the success during Reconciliation Week, Headspace are keen to return to PLHS to create another collaborative art piece using gum leaves; this will be open to all students on the Eyre Floor during lunchtime on Tuesday

Wednesday July 5:

  • WEENA Book Reading & Mallee Park Cook Out: The Year 7 participants in our WEENA program will visit the Port Lincoln Children’s Centre where they will read Indigenous-themed books to the children – they will gift the books to the youngsters, courtesy of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation; afterwards, they will go to the Wombat Pit at Mallee Park to engage in the community information expo and the annual cook out
  • Staff Coffee & Biscuit Special: Miss Kesby Turner-Wiebreck’s Room 23 students will showcase their cooking talents by selling, preparing and delivering a coffee and NAIDOC-themed biscuit combo

Thursday July 6:

  • Career Showcase: Years 9–12 Aboriginal students will attend a careers talk; Aboriginal people from within community will share their career journey with the students in an informal setting, highlighting the skills, qualifications and attributes needed within their particular field of work; weather permitting, this will be conducted around the firepit with a cuppa
  • Damper & Kangaroo: Students are invited to come to the firepit during lunch to enjoy some damper and kangaroo; our Nunga table painters and Year 7/8 SRC students will prepare the damper in the old Junior Kitchen, while our Certificate II in Kitchen Operations students will be cooking the kangaroo; this will be limited, so first in, first served!
  • Elder’s Luncheon: Our Year 10 SAASTA students will be assisting with the Elder’s Luncheon at the Port Lincoln Hotel

Friday July 7:

  • Nunga Tables: The painting of the tables will continue throughout the day; they are looking amazing!

We look forward to sharing images of these NAIDIOC events throughout the week; we are grateful for these fantastic opportunities for PLHS students and staff to be positively involved and connect with the wider community.

~ Mrs. Nicole Cunningham (Aboriginal Education Teacher)