Mrs. Quinn Purchases P.L.A.C.E. Painting

Mrs. Mel Quinn, Year 9 PLACE student Kaysharne Coleman and “Our Path on Munda”

PLHS teacher Mrs. Melanie Quinn recently purchased a stunning collaborative painting produced by the talented young artists in our PLACE (Port Lincoln Art Centre Enterprise) subject.

Entitled “Our Path on Munda” (acrylic on canvas), this collaborative work was developed, designed and painted by Year 9 PLACE students. The collective approach included initial discussion about the environment and students’ place within it. They wanted to show a connection between each other and our shared experiences in nature.

Through sketching and negotiation, the resulting final design is organic and flowing with the central spine symbolising the path that students walk together. The circular arched shapes on either side of the path are representations of the students themselves, which appear as hills and rock formations. The students wanted to signify their inner strengths and the bond they share with each other.

The resulting abstract landscape acts as a visual narrative of our connection to place, to country, to our Munda.

Mel explained that the artwork immediately reminded her of her travels across and over Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. Today, she is accompanying our Year 8 PLACE students at a lino-printing workshop at the Nautilus Arts Centre (more details to follow).

Congratulations to all involved.