Immunisation Info for Parents of Year 8 & 10 Students

The SA School Immunisation Program will be offered at PLHS by SA Health:

  • all Year 8 students will be offered: two doses of human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil®9 at two separate visits, one dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough vaccine, Boostrix®
  • all Year 10 students will be offered: two doses of the meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero® at two separate visits, one dose of the meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix®

Immunisation Consent Packs have been sent home with all Year 8 and 10 students. It is important that you read the information contained in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at school. If you have any questions about this program, please contact SA Health.

All parents/legal guardians are required to complete, sign and return the Consent Cards, even if you do not consent for the student to be vaccinated at school.

If you have not received your Immunisation Consent Pack from your child, please phone the school’s Front Office on 8683-6000 to arrange collection.