Images from the Staff vs. Students Footy Match

This afternoon’s Footy Colours Day Staff vs. Students Football Match was another resounding success. The sun shone, the crowd enthusiastically supported the players, the game was played in the right spirit, and most importantly, the staff (narrowly) won.

Best-on-ground medals were awarded to Kalea Siegert for the students and Miss Jordan Sladdin for the staff – it could be argued that the field umpires (Mrs. Nat van Riet and Mr. Craig Curtis) were just as crucial to the staff victory.

The curtain-raiser to the grudge match was a Goal-Kicking Competition – congratulations to Zaria Shephard and Mavis Coleman, equal winners in the girls division, and boys champion, Angus Rodda.

Very well done to all of today’s participants; please enjoy the following images of the action…