Governing Council Community Voice: September 2021

As the ears, eyes and voice for our school community, this group of volunteers works with the Port Lincoln High School team (leaders, staff and students) in the best interests of learning for all students at the school.

Port Lincoln High School boasts a strong record for student learning, personal development and achievement, and will celebrate its 100th birthday during 2023. Wow! This is a huge history of public education founded on its strength for catering and celebrating diversity and inclusion for all students as they aspire.

We know that listening to you and your perceptions about the school and its future directions is one of the best ways for us to understand and progress the good work of the school. Your voice on Governing Council is important. The more voices, the stronger our efforts become.

Governing Council meets twice a term. These meetings are great because we get to talk directly with the Principal Mr. Todd George, student leaders (Ursula & Ned), teacher representatives and invited school and community members. These people provide first-hand information about the life and learning of the school, and the many opportunities and ways for our children to connect their learning and aspirations.

Very importantly at these meetings, we are listened to; in partnership with the school, we can make things happen to further develop and improve the school for our kids.

PS. We also have a giggle, relax and enjoy each other’s company.

  • Can I come to a Governing Council meeting? Yes.
  • The meetings are open to current and future parents (including Year 6/7) and you are very welcome to come to part or all of any meeting that has an interest for you.
  • Do I have to become a Governing Council member? No.
  • You are welcome to participate in meetings without being a member.
  • Can I become a member of Governing Council? Yes.
  • At any time, you can seek to be nominated to Governing Council.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday October 27th from 6:30pm in the PLHS Staff Room. To register your attendance, please email Rachael Boyce on or phone her at PLHS on 8683-6000.

At our last meeting, the Governing Councillors toured the new learning and teaching facilities coming to completion for the 300-plus new students starting high school for the first time next year. These brand new Year 7 classrooms combined with new Commercial Cookery, Technology, Visual Arts, Languages, Aboriginal Education, Special Education and Canteen facilities make for an exciting start for 2022.

Student leaders Ursula Clarke and Ned Moxey kept the pace of our meeting up by updating us about the energetic work of the SRC, particularly their current activities for “R U OK? Week”. Friendship bracelets, walking-with-stilts challenges, a casual clothes day, conversation corners and a sausage sizzle were a few of the tools designed to engage students and open up awareness and conversations about mental health and wellbeing. Ursula and Ned left our meeting with food for thought by asking: “Are the current school SportsDay houses relevant and meaningful for today’s students? How can student acknowledgements, rewards and incentives be continuously recognised and linked to these houses?”

Staff representative Mrs. Tanya Booker recounted the importance of Professional Learning Communities and classroom observations in supporting teachers’ work as a tool for growing the capacity and expertise of faculties. This linked with Principal Todd George’s summary and update of the school’s planning for improvement and review processes.

Todd’s news of two aspirants waiting in the wings for the senior Maths and Physics roles brought applause from the group and an agreement to press forward with a letter to the Minister for Education, highlighting the challenges for regional/rural schools in acquiring suitably qualified and experienced teaching staff.

Teachers Mr. Stephen Campbell and Mr. Angus Martin linked our thinking for the important role that music education plays in stretching student learning and offering pathways. A copy of GC’s thanks to them follows…

“Good morning, Stephen and Angus. Governing Council really appreciated the opportunity to learn about your Music program and how the strands provide pathways for students in instrumental music and related digital technologies and industry. The emphasis on production, composing and linking with other aspects of The Arts provides another hook for students to pursue their learning in this really important and creative field. “Music feeds the soul” and Governing Council sits in the wings to support your initiatives to grow participation in this VIP curriculum.”

Latisha Proude shared her homework and information to date regarding therapy dogs and the linking of this opportunity for students and staff wellbeing; she has arranged for a spotlight speaker to progress our thinking at our next meeting.

Canteen Manager Joyce Vlassco (via Latisha) reported that the move into the new canteen premises has been well received by students, and the inclusion of work experience students has supported this. Product lines are being introduced, consideration and decision-making for the menu is on the way.

Kyle Bond is brokering with “Life Matters” via local Ministers Fraternal for an opportunity for a school visit by this group later in the year.

Through teamwork, Governing Council connects the important agendas of the day so that there is an ongoing and progressive understanding of the priorities and opportunities for the school. We value the input that each member brings to these meetings and the Student Leaders consistently refresh and challenge our thinking by bringing student perspectives and ideas to the table.

Please come and join us at our next meeting on October 27.

~ Brian Gabb and the Governing Council team