Governing Council Community Voice: Feb 25th

Governing Council has “kicked off” their first meeting of the year via Zoom and combined the AGM with general business. As the elected parent and community representatives for the school, our members acknowledge the great efforts of the school staff to start the year. A big job at any time, magnified with COVID accommodations, online learning responses, introduction of Year 7 students, commissioning of new classrooms and the settling in of new staff… phew, what a job teachers, SSOs and school leaders; well done.

Governing Council extends a warm welcome to all families new and returning to the school. We would like to congratulate the Year 7 and 8 students and their teachers who have settled quickly. We know that your efforts to prepare and support your children has enabled this seamless transition and the senior student leaders report that the “newbies” are friendly and seem happy.

Happy kids and happy classrooms. Not surprising that so much has been achieved when you consider the strong experience base and inclusive ethos of Port Lincoln High School, as it looks to celebrate with you 100 years of service to the community during 2023.

Calling all hands! Love to have you on board with your ideas to help plan and prepare for the school’s centenary. A working party is forming to guide the celebrations. You may know of someone who has/had a connection with the school or an interest. Please let them know and register interest by calling or emailing Rachael Boyce (contact details below).

Governing Council meets again on Wednesday March 23rd from 6:30pm in the school’s Staff Room. Come along, meet the team and see what we do. It’s a great way of finding out about your school and what is available for your children’s education and their future pathways. Please give Rachael a call or email to let us know if you are coming.

Did you know that the school has a Parent Reference Group? This group of volunteers provides a “communication hotline” to provide feedback and opinions to the Governing Council. Hotline members can ring/email us and we can do the same. No meetings involved, just 5-10 minutes of confidential and frank conversation a few times a year. Help us out to connect parent voice by registering with Rachael to become a reference member.

~ Brian Gabb, Port Lincoln High School Governing Council

Community Voice is published following each Governing Council Meeting

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