Governing Council Community Voice – December

Hi all,

Thought you’d like to know the Governing Council (GC) recently farewelled Year 12 students at their graduation and presentation evening on your behalf. The Governing Council Award was presented to teacher Lyn Hosking for her outstanding contribution to education and youth over many years.

Our final GC meeting for 2021 has acknowledged the importance of a teamed approach to make Port Lincoln High School a great place for learning and teaching. GC has reaffirmed the principles of communication and connection with community as the continuing basis for its work and thanks the parent and community reference group for their continued support and advice during the year by representing the view of parents.

To conclude the meeting, GC members expressed their sincere thanks to Student Leaders Ned Moxey and Ursula Clarke for their service to the school and their participation on Governing Council.

We are looking forward to next year as the school continues to progress and grow. With an additional 300 students starting, and the completion of building stages 1-3, the school embarks on a new chapter. The developments continue, as the Technology Centre is being redeveloped ready for mid-year completion and additional teaching and support staff will be welcomed.

Preparations for 2023 will bring celebration for 100 years of continuous education service. This is an exciting time to be a member of GC and we are looking to grow parent and community voice. Membership of the Governing Council is available at any time, and we encourage you to think about joining.

The flyer above provides information about our group; if you would like to know more about us, please contact Rachael (details on the flyer). Rachael will connect you with a GC member to have a chat. We will also be available at the school when you come to collect stationery and uniforms next year. Oh, and please remember that you can join our meetings at any time without having to be a member. So come and try.

No time for meetings? That’s OK. You can still support the GC at home by joining the parent and community reference group. Provide a contact that suits you and from time-to-time, we will call/connect to seek your views, ideas, and feedback. We also ensure that you receive the GC meeting summaries to keep abreast of school developments so you can position your children to connect with the many opportunities and learning pathways.

Best wishes to you and family for the coming Xmas and New Year with buckets of laughter and joy,

Brian Gabb & the PLHS Governing Council