GC Community Voice – August 2021

The PLHS Governing Council (GC) provides a parent and community voice on matters relating to the learning and life of our students. Its members influence decision-making in the best interests of all students, and we work with school leaders and staff to make PLHS a great place. Our meetings are a useful mix of information-giving, business and planning, and run in a relaxed and purposeful manner. Our next meeting is Wednesday September 8th from 6:30pm in the Staff Room; you are very welcome to join us.

A summary from last week’s GC meeting:

  • We acknowledged the contribution that School Support Officers (SSO’s) make to our students’ learning and development…
    “Dear School Support and Administrative Staff of Port Lincoln High SchoolWe would like to thank each of you for the important contributions you make every day to our children’s learning and personal development. Your work in team with teachers and leaders makes our children’s school a place for belonging and respect. A thriving and happy daughter or son at school makes for a happy and productive home life for families. Pats on the back and “CONGRATULATIONS” for doing a challenging and important job so well.”
  • Curriculum Leaders Rebecca Paterson and Chris McGown provided some great insights and examples of the learning tasks that are stretching and developing student’s mathematics and science capabilities, by dove-tailing with technology and engineering disciplines; Chris shared the strengthening of industry partnerships in the areas of senior school marine science and aquaculture and the pathways for post-schooling options
  • Mel McGown updated us about the great work being achieved in preparation for the arrival of the current Year 6 and 7 students and their families in 2022, including the introduction of Year 11 mentors
  • Student Leaders Ursula Clarke and Ned Moxey – along with Wellbeing Leader Leonie Woods – spoke about the ongoing initiatives of SRC and student support for community fundraising projects
  • Principal Todd George provided updates on the building and re-development projects that are in train, with good news about funding for the school’s new Technology Centre

~ Brian Gabb (Chairperson)