Congratulations to Youth Opportunities Graduates

L-R: Nicole Clark (PCW), Sienna Whillas, Jaymee-Lee Boothey, Jessica Greenfield, Chase Potticary, Lacey McMahon, Cooper Knight, Phillip Haereroa-Rogers, Ange Perin & Lenny Woods (YO Facilitators). Absent: Mason Macksad, Alana Henley, Zoe Treagus & Bonnie Silberschneider.

During Term 2, a group of Year 10 students from Port Lincoln High School and the Transition & Learning Centre (TLC) completed a ten-week program aimed at empowering individuals with the skills, confidence and resilience to be become effective personal leaders. Participants engaged in a range of activities, challenges, personal development sessions and reflections to enhance their personal and leadership development.

With the assistance of the program facilitators, the participants conducted their Graduation Ceremony at the Port Lincoln Hotel on Thursday July 4th; they displayed outstanding courage in presenting their personal reflections and growth to the special guests in the audience, including family members and invited guests from PLHS and community organisations.

PLHS Principal Mr. Craig Akehurst presented the graduation certificates and addressed the graduates, expressing his delight in the courage they demonstrated in their public speaking, which was reflected back by the beaming smiles within the audience.

Graduates were able to ‘send stars’ to family, staff and community members who were present on the night, sharing in some of the gratitude they feel for people who have assisted and supported them along the way.

Facilitators Ange Perin and Lenny Woods, along with Nicole Clark (Pastoral Care Worker) are extremely proud of the achievements of these young leaders, who have come ahead in leaps and bounds in their confidence, personal growth, reflections skills, communication and leadership. 

After the official proceedings, graduates were able to relax and connect with guests over canapes and drinks.

Special thanks to our invited guests, including Tara and Andy from headspace, who supported the program by providing a room at Country and Outback Health for the program to run during the term – this was greatly appreciated!

Once again, congratulations to the graduates of the Youth Opportunities “Accelerate” Personal Leadership Program. We wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.

~ Ange Perin & Lenny Woods (Youth Ops Facilitators)

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