Claire to Experience Life in Norway


We recently received a letter from Ms Catrin Harris, Program Coordinator for Southern Cross Cultural Exchange, informing us that Year 10 student Claire McCarthy has been selected to participate in their student exchange program later this year.

As a result, Claire will depart Australia on August 16th and head to the Scandinavian nation of Norway. For the next twelve months, she will live with a volunteer host family and attend the local school, before returning home on the 20th of June, 2020. When asked why she chose the Kingdom of Norway in her application, Claire calmly replied “I thought it would be very different to Australia”.

This incredible opportunity has been offered to Claire after she successfully completed SCCE’s extensive application process. “Gratulerer” (congratulations in Norwegian) to Claire and her family on this wonderful achievement – we wish her all the best and look forward to hearing all about the experience upon her safe return.

~ Mr Shaun Thomas (International Education)