

Academic Reports Mid-semester reports have been released. We encourage students and families to login to SEQTA Engage to access their reports. Parent/Teacher Interviews Parent/caregivers are invited to interviews with subject teachers to discuss their student’s progress and achievement so far this year. The interviews will take place on Tuesday May 4th (3:30 – 6:50pm) and...
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During Term 1, we held our annual cricket match against Tumby Bay Area School in Tumby Bay. The challenge involved two T/20 matches. In the first game, we played against Tumby Bay 1. We lost the toss, they batted first and batted really well to make 108. Our wicket takers were Z.Hearfield, H.Francis, T.Letton, J.Clements...
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Students will not be required to attend school on Tuesday April 6th following the Easter break. On this day, PLHS staff will be involved in a full-day training exercise in Restorative Practices delivered by Kerrie Sellen from Restorative Journeys.  A key element of this training will be the focus on practical activities that can be implemented into our daily work providing...
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Hi all. With Term 1 whizzing by, your Governing Council met recently. It was great to welcome senior student leaders Ursula Clarke and Ned Moxey and hear about the good work of student voice throughout the school. Also joining us were representatives from the Port Lincoln Junior and Primary Schools’ Governing Council, to hear about...
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A number of our 2021 Student Representative Council members attended the GRIP* Student Leadership Conference at UniSA’s Whyalla campus on Friday March 19th. * GRIP stands for Generosity, Responsibility, Integrity and People Students participated in a range of activities-based workshops throughout the day whilst collaborating and networking with students from other high schools across the...
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Congratulations to all who competed in the annual WASSAC athletics carnival on Monday. Our students exceeded themselves and worked tirelessly to compete; we are very proud of their efforts! We thank those students who stepped up and competed in events not originally intended for them. We also thank the PLHS staff who assisted in the...
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On Monday March 22nd in glorious weather at Ravendale, Port Lincoln High School hosted the annual Western Areas Secondary Schools Athletics Carnival (WASSAC). The PLHS team consisted of 40 athletes ranging from U/14’s up to the Open age group. All of our students performed really well and did their school proud. There were some stand out PLHS...
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The images above were taken by Mr. Michael Scheffler. Those below were captured by Year 12 student Jett Drewitt.
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On Tuesday March 16th, PLHS was again privileged to receive a visit from several members of the Port Adelaide Football Club. On this occasion, Power representatives Alipate Carlile, Braedon Talbot and Will Northeast spent time with members of our South Australian Aboriginal Secondary Training Academy. The Power team facilitated sessions that allowed our students to explore...
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Earlier this evening, our Food & Hospitality program delivered another highly successful pop-up restaurant at PLHS. This year’s event – entitled “Fiebre Mexicana” (Mexican Fever) – was delivered by the students from Mrs Monique Rogalski’s two Year 12 Food & Hospitality classes. The F&H students planned, prepared, cooked and served an array of authentic Mexican...
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