Two PLHS Art students have won awards in this year’s prestigious Bendigo Community Bank Port Lincoln Art Prize – congratulations to Mia Speed and Nathaniel Hirschausen-Burk on this wonderful achievement. Mia won the $500 Rotary Club of Port Lincoln Youth Award with her brilliant artwork “Interconnectedness” (pictured below left), while Nathaniel claimed a Youth Special...Read More
This podcast recording features a conversation with PLHS Principal Mr Todd George about our return-to-school protocols – these commence this coming Monday (January 24th) with the first of six crucial Back-to-School Open Days for PLHS students and families.Read More
In line with the SA Government’s recently announced return to school plan, we have made some adjustments to our upcoming Back-to-School Open Days. In summary, they will now: be held outdoors (in our Amphitheatre near the Front Office)run for two extra days (Mon Jan 31 & Tues Feb 1)unfortunately not include the proposed hourly campus...Read More
Merry Xmas! Port Lincoln High School’s free gift to you and your family is a digital copy of our 2021 Yearbook, all 212 pages of it! To download your free electronic copy, please click the following link: NOTE: This is a large PDF file (66MB) – please be patient when downloading. If you wish...Read More
Earlier today, thousands of Year 12 students around the state received their much-anticipated final SACE scores. Port Lincoln High School was again delighted to receive some outstanding results, headlined by Ursula Clarke’s incredible overall score of 97.25. Our next top five performers were Ashlee Cocks (86.75), Shauna Little (86.60), Ellie Akehurst (84.65), Imogen McGown (83.45)...Read More
After a long and challenging school year, a very enjoyable Activities Week was run across the first three days of Week 9. Year 8, 9 and 10 students were provided with the opportunity to participate in a range of fun offerings, including Art for the Heart, Fishing & Boating, Golf, Healthy Living, Kiana Camp, School-based...Read More
During their six-week rotation throughout the year, my Year 8 Visual Art students have learnt about the elements of art (including colour) and acrylic painting techniques. These concepts have then been applied to a landscape or seascape acrylic canvas, based on an image of a memorable place or a scene of significance. There have been...Read More
Hi all, Thought you’d like to know the Governing Council (GC) recently farewelled Year 12 students at their graduation and presentation evening on your behalf. The Governing Council Award was presented to teacher Lyn Hosking for her outstanding contribution to education and youth over many years. Our final GC meeting for 2021 has acknowledged the...Read More
My Year 10 Visual Art students have just completed a unit of work on sculpture. They first learnt key terminology and discovered the wide range of sculpture techniques available to work in. We explored the work of renowned Australian sculptor Patricia Piccinini, with a number of students developing themes that connected back to this artist’s...Read More