Port Lincoln High School was privileged to receive a visit earlier today from the South Australian Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, the Hon. Clare Scriven MLC. Minister Scriven was given a tour of our industry-standard Aquaculture Trade Training Centre, guided by Aquaculture teacher Mr. Chris McGown, Mathematics & Science Senior Leader Miss Rebecca...Read More
ABOVE: Year 8 students (L-R) Kiara Tonkin, Kaden Durdin and Harrison Durdin examining the PLHS Online Curriculum Guide. Subject selection for 2023 will occur Wednesday-Friday in Week 5 during extended Dharna Group sessions with DG teachers. Students will need to have accessed our Online Curriculum Guide (homepage pictured below) to help to decide what subjects they are keen...Read More
PLHS Governing Council Chairperson Mr. Brian Gabb at the launch of our new plastics collection point, with (L-R) PLHS Principal Student Leader Mitchell Paterson, SABRN Director Dr. Abe Chandra & PLHS Principal Mr. Todd George. Parents, community members, student leaders and staff braved wintry conditions to meet again as your PLHS Governing Council. For the...Read More
Further to yesterday’s report about the official launch of our plastics collection point (in partnership with SABRN Circular), please note the following clarifying information and images. This is Port Lincoln High School’s new plastics collection point – kindly provided by SABRN Circular and made from recycled pallet timber, it is located in the centre of...Read More
L-R: PLHS Governing Council Chairperson Mr. Brian Gabb, PLHS Principal Student Leader Mitchell Paterson, SABRN Director Dr. Abe Chandra & PLHS Principal Mr. Todd George. An exciting new initiative was officially launched at PLHS earlier today – in partnership with South Australian start-up SABRN Circular, we have established a collection point for three types of...Read More
The National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP) aims to support schools in promoting the wellbeing of students – in South Australia, funds are provided to employ Pastoral Care Workers (PCW) to complement the existing wellbeing services within the school community. Port Lincoln High School is pleased to introduce our newest Pastoral Care Worker (and ex-PLHS student),...Read More
At this morning’s year level meeting, Mrs Mel McGown announced the Year 7 recipients of Semester 1 academic achievement awards; congratulations to the following students and their families: Academic Excellence (pictured above from top left): Zoe AllanIsaac BroughamRylee ChatfieldLani CocksMarley ColemanAlilah FowlerStella FranklinSimon HennessyKynan LettonIsla NagelLoch OsborneElla ScholzSarang Treagus Meritorious Effort (pictured above from top...Read More
Last weekend, Adelaide’s Brighton Secondary School hosted the inaugural Sharing Best Practice conference – this (sold out) event was designed to strengthen connections between research evidence and educational methods. Over 250 participants engaged with four keynote speakers and twelve concurrent sessions, all showcasing best practice in Australian schools. PLHS English/Literacy teacher Mrs Caroline Marshall was...Read More
Port Lincoln High School’s Weena program is offered to female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in our Middle School; Weena stands for wellbeing, engage, educate, network and achieve. This important program focuses on building self-esteem and confidence in Indigenous identity, having cultural contribution in the community, building relationships based on mutual respect, encouraging active...Read More
Earlier this week, a year level assembly was staged in the Gym for our Year 8 cohort. Mr. Hayden Bennett and Mr. Craig Curtis presented a host of Year 8 students with an academic achievement certificate based on their overall Semester 1 grades. Congratulations to the students listed below and their families on this outstanding...Read More