Bikes, Barbecue & a Bucket – NRW Fun on the Oval

Earlier today, our third and final National Reconciliation Week lunchtime event was enjoyed by many PLHS students and staff on the Oval.

Jim Stockham from West Coast Youth & Community Support provided the ever-popular smoothie bikes – lots of students took a turn at blending a delicious and nutritious smoothie to share with their mates.

Meanwhile, staff from our Clontarf Academy and Aboriginal Education team put on a free sausage sizzle for all in attendance.

Out on the Oval, dozens of keen footballers vied for the title of Most Accurate Kick – this challenge was changed from Longest Kick due to the wet, slippery conditions. Competitors took it in turns to try and kick a football into a bucket about twenty-five metres away.

Lots of valiant attempts were made by students and staff alike – even the Principal Mr. Craig Akehurst had a decent crack! Ultimately though, only two students managed to achieve the ultimate goal – congratulations to Scott Kropinyeri (Year 8) and Graham Goldsmith (Year 10) for landing one of their kicks into the bucket; they each earned themselves a $10 Canteen voucher.

National Reconciliation Week concludes on Monday June 3rd (Mabo Day) – well done to all PLHS students and staff who have contributed positively to this week’s activities and themes at our school.

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