Academic Success Celebrated at Whole School Assembly

A whole school assembly was staged in the PLHS Gymnasium earlier today to acknowledge the Term 2 academic success of many students. We were delighted to have well over one hundred proud parents and caregivers also in attendance – hope you like your tea towel!

Today’s ceremony was jointly conducted by Principal Student Leader Prapti Pai and Year 11 Student Councillor Liam Akehurst. Following a Welcome to Country delivered by Year 9 students Beau Mclean and Wally Clements, PLHS Principal Mr. Craig Akehurst provided a thoughtful address about the theme of success and the need for our students to identify, study and imitate the successful role models around them. Deputy Principal Mrs. Lesley Warren then recognised the outstanding efforts of a small group of ATSI boys who participated in a recent Operation Flinders program with distinction.

Finally, based on the following grade point average criteria, Academic Award certificates were announced and presented by the six Year Level Managers. Congratulations to all of today’s recipients on your wonderful Term 2 efforts and achievements.

ACADEMIC AWARDS: A grade point average (GPA) is calculated for each student of the school. A GPA score of 4 indicates an A grade for each subject studied. There are two categories of Academic Awards:

  • Academic Excellence awards recognise students who have achieved a GPA of more than 3.5 (with no D or E grades) across all of their Term 2 subjects
  • Meritorious Effort awards recognise students who have achieved a GPA of at least 3 (with no D or E grades) across all of their Term 2 subjects

Term 3 Academic Awards Assembly // PLHS Gymnasium // Tuesday August 6th, 2024

  • Masters of Ceremonies: Prapti Pai (Year 12) & Liam Akehurst (Year 11)
  • Welcome to Country: Beau McLean (Year 9) & Wally Clements (Year 9)
  • Principal’s Address: Mr. Craig Akehurst (Principal)
  • Operation Flinders Report: Mrs. Lesley Warren (Deputy Principal)

YEAR 7 (recipients announced by Mr. Tyson Collins)

  • Year 7 Academic Excellence: Jessie Caulfield, Lacey Cullen, Isabella Defelice, Indie Hollamby, McKenzie Nicholls, Darcy Parkyn, Neve Thomas, Isla Wilson & Frankie Woolford
  • Year 7 Meritorious Effort: Presley Balnaves, Elsa Burgar, Willoh Brown, Solomon Carter, Charlize Clarke, Dominic Gray, Sophie Gray, Luis Guamen, Lucy Hatzimanolis, Indigo Hood, Keith Jones, Kingston Lang, Skyler Little, Lil Lohmeyer, Balin Mantle, Ronin McVey, Jackson Murphy, Harry Nagel, Jobe Nielsen, Ande O’Neill, Lahaeyna Peckham, Leisha Sevelj, Zaria Shephard, Brandyn Spriggs, Marni Tiller, Chayce Traeger & Louis Wohling

YEAR 8 (recipients announced by Miss Marlee Hounsell)

  • Year 8 Academic Excellence: Asha Clements, Kai Cunningham, Lucas Dixon, Jarran Durdin, Abi Ferrett, Matthew Minto, Jordy Parker, Angus Rodda, Harmony Sincock & Peyton Smith
  • Year 8 Meritorious Effort: Jarrah Barr, Zoe Bell, Trisha Farrow, Charissa Go, Campbell Greenfield, Parker Hartwich, Kyeson King, Brady Mail, Elke North, Travis O’Neill, Byron Phillis, Chelsea Sampson, Sienna Sizer, Ethan Stanley, Rylan Tonkin, Damien Warren, Nevaeh Watkinson & Wihan Wolmarans

YEAR 9 (recipients announced by Mr. Stefan Van Giesen)

  • Year 9 Academic Excellence: Mahni Burrows, Lani Cocks, Marley Coleman, Evie Gamlin, Simon Hennessy, Sophia Hicks & Kynan Letton
  • Year 9 Meritorious Effort: Zoe Allan, Samuel Beard, Isaac Brougham, Rylee Chatfield, Kallen Costello, Ella Day, Phoebe Fisher, Abbey Francis, Stella Franklin, Lucas Gray, Zach Hurrell, Chloe Marks, Bella McEvoy, Scotty McNab-Haynes, Nicholas Minto, Isla Nagel & Ella Scholz

YEAR 10 (recipients announced by Mr. Jake Stoll)

Year 10 Academic Excellence: Xanela Cubacub, Ruby Gamlin, Bella Go, Harry Halls, Airlie Hartwich, Maya Kennedy, Kiarna Letton, Keeley Millard, Dakota Taferner, Jaz Tiller, Beky Turner & Zoe van-Overdijk

Year 10 Meritorious Effort: Lainie Bell, Stirling Carter, Sophie Cheriton, Jorja Defelice, Remy Ellis, Madi Gotch, James Hore, Phillip Hutchins, Rhy Kayser, Kirrally Kotz, Jessica Neve, Loch Osborne, Matilda Packer, Jesse Poel, Elke Russell, Lacie Schafer, Demi Selwyn-Shore, Max Stanley, Elke Thomas, Ollie Wade, Kael Williams & Isabella Zander

YEAR 11 (recipients announced by Miss Tayla Helbig)

  • Year 11 Academic Excellence: Maia Abbott, Liam Akehurst, Macie Claughton, Sky Keane, Sophie Lang, Evan Lukin, Max Mitchelson & Will West
  • Year 11 Meritorious Effort: Jevan Ambrose, Fletcher Beard, Nikitah Butcher, Lilly Durdin, Talisha Fiore, Maddi Fox, Hayden Francis, Huey Hood, Rebecca Madden, Georgia Palm, Delta Proude, Isla Santillan, Billy Scholz, Tygh Te Wano, Willow Wahlin, Taj Williams & Ella Wiseman

YEAR 12 (recipients announced by Ms. Michaela Webb)

  • Year 12 Academic Excellence: Shayden Beljon, Benjaman Gabb, Seth Kayser, Tayah Liffner, Maddison Lowe, Rylee Marks, Georgina Millard, Prapti Pai, Luke Pearce, Zali Phillips, Kalea Siegert, Piper Wilkes & Jessica Woolford
  • Year 12 Meritorious Effort: Shiloh Abbott, Tyler Billing, Kenisha Bilney, Trai Burgoyne, Ahmari Guamen, Tilda Jenkins, Lauren McDonald, Tahlia McGrath, Sasha Noske, Tamika Prow, Amy Ward & Jesse Wellman

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