Port Lincoln High School’s Year 12 Award & Completion Ceremony for 2024 was staged in the Nautilus Theatre last night, with a large crowd of invited guests, families, PLHS staff and some very relieved Year 12 students in attendance. This year’s event was run using an alternative format to previous years; most notably, the Year...Read More
Please see the following message from the event’s professional photographer, Mikaela Frick… “Here are your Formal photos, I think this is the biggest album yet! Here is the link so that you can download your own individual photos: https://mikaelafrickphotography.pixieset.com/plhsformal2024/ You will need the password to open (formal) and pin to download (6440). Just a reminder...Read More
“MIDINIDI”, Port Lincoln High School’s Year 12 Art/Design exhibition for 2024, was officially opened last night in the Nautilus Arts Centre’s Walter Nicholls Memorial Gallery. Prior to last night’s Year 12 Award & Completion Ceremony, a gathering of supportive families, PLHS staff and Governing Councillors joined the exhibiting (and celebrating) students to view the stunning...Read More
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