2023 Subject Selection Process Commences

ABOVE: Year 8 students (L-R) Kiara Tonkin, Kaden Durdin and Harrison Durdin examining the PLHS Online Curriculum Guide.

Subject selection for 2023 will occur Wednesday-Friday in Week 5 during extended Dharna Group sessions with DG teachers. Students will need to have accessed our Online Curriculum Guide (homepage pictured below) to help to decide what subjects they are keen to study in 2023. Besides subject information, the website also contains information around SACE and other specialist programs. Please note, the site is continuing to be updated.

Over the coming week, Dharna Group teachers will provide further information around the subject selection process; they are the first point of contact for any queries from students and families. Our curriculum leaders will contact students/families via SEQTA this week and be ready to answer any subject-specific questions. Once the process has been completed, students will receive confirmation of the subjects that they selected.

I encourage you to have a look at the information on the Online Curriculum Guide at www.plhs.sa.edu.au/plhs-curriculum/

~ Mrs Lesley Warren (Deputy Principal)