155 Family Connection Conversations and Counting

Over the past two weeks, our staff have been privileged to meet 155 Year 6/7 students and families. These Family Connection Conversations have involved a Q&A session designed to learn more about each potential new enrolment, followed by a tour of the PLHS campus.

These informal 30-minute conversations are an opportunity to share information and to address any queries or concerns. They will continue throughout the remaining two weeks of this term (through to Friday July 2nd) at the following times:

  • Mondays & Wednesdays: 9am~6pm
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays: 9am~4:30pm

Bookings can be made by visiting the School Interviews website at www.schoolinterviews.com.au and entering the event code “sy5cp“.

Alternatively, please feel free to phone PLHS on 8683-6000 during school hours; our staff will assist you to make your booking.

CAPTION: We were delighted to meet the Freeman family (above L-R: Lucinda, Finn & Andrew), and the Ferrett family (below L-R: Bec, Jessica & Mick). And 153 other families so far – we look forward to meeting many more over the next two weeks.